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发表于 2021-4-3 13:03:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式











[1] “双一流”背景下创新型人才培养模式研究2020/06/01-2022/12/01

[2] 用户动作捕捉合作研究2019/03/01-2020/12/01

[3] 科技与艺术碰撞-设计思维工作坊2019/12/01-2020/12/01

[4] 上海市青少年科技节线上开放活动2020/11/01-2020/11/01

[5] 布鲁可儿童多功能积木桌人体工程学评估2020/10/01-2021/12/01

[6] 线上课程合同(服务合同)2020/10/01-2020/11/01

[7] 轮胎外观可视化设计2020/11/01-2021/10/01

[8] 2019年医疗机器人研究2019/03/01-2019/12/01

[9] 上海交通大学“创新设计”文创实践基地2019/01/01-2020/12/01

[10] 深化创意设计高地建设2019/01/01-2021/12/01

[11] 车载交互小机器人概念形象设计2018/12/01-2019/06/01

[12] 专业技术人才培养技术服务2018/11/01-2018/12/01

[13] 年轻用户手机使用行为与画像研究2018/11/01-2019/01/01

[14] 基于叙事医学的老年人临床照护模式构建及体验设计(18BRK009)2018/10/01-2021/12/01

[15] 面向工程技术人才培养的创新创业教育模式研究(17JDGC008)2018/10/01-2018/12/01

[16] 前瞻战略规划方法及工具应用产学研项目咨询2018/10/01-2019/03/01

[17] 2018适老主题课程合作2018/09/01-2019/03/01

[18] 基于PCC的医疗产品服务体验优化策略12018/07/01-2019/07/01

[19] 《心理学通讯》封面、logo设计及封面插画制作合作2018/07/01-2019/01/01

[20] 基于叙事医学的老年人临床照护模式构建及体验设计2018/06/01-2021/06/01

[21] 高柔性智能制造与装配系统开发2018/04/01-2018/12/01

[22] HMI探索2018/03/01-2020/12/01

[23] 2018Digital Suzhou苏州国际数字文创节2018/03/01-2018/04/01

[24] 设计形态学研究(子课题负责人)2017/11/01-2022/09/01

[25] 基于PCC的医疗产品服务体验优化策略(17YJAZH029)2017/10/01-2019/12/01

[26] 2017养老主题课程合作2017/09/01-2018/02/01

[27] 工程技术人才创新创业教育现状分析2017/07/01-2019/07/01

[28] 中国商飞飞机内饰可视化评估平台2017/01/01-2018/12/01

[29] 产品设计课程合作2016/09/01-2017/02/01

[30] 小牛财经网站平台界面设计和系统开发2016/06/01-2016/12/01

[31] 中国单身族居住生活实态调研2016/03/01-2016/08/01

[32] 医学义肢工业设计2016/01/01-2016/12/01

[33] 海上图志创意产业教育服务云平台用户体验和界面设计2015/08/01-2016/06/01

[34] 科创365平台用户体验和界面设计2015/07/01-2016/12/01

[35] 企业(产业)设计竞争力评价指标2015/01/01-2016/12/01

[36] 创新设计教育提升创新设计能力线路图研究2014/11/01-2015/06/01

[37] 糖尿病检测工业设计2014/10/01-2015/05/01

[38] 创新设计教育提升创新设计能力线路图研究2014/09/01-2015/06/01

[39] “公共场所AED急救箱”工业设计2014/02/01-2014/04/01

[40] 空中体验—民机驾驶舱交互界面用户体验策略2013/12/01-2015/12/01

[41] 便携式“医疗急救箱”工业设计2013/11/01-2014/04/01

[42] 车载“疲劳驾驶监测产品”工业设计2013/11/01-2013/12/01

[43] 驾驶舱内饰参数化表征和视觉功效评价实验2013/10/01-2014/10/01

[44] 协同创新发展研究中心2013/09/01-2019/12/01

[45] 居家养老模式下信息家电可用性设计策略2013/08/01-2016/12/01

[46] 思科“Spring Roll”系统可用性测试和用户体验研究2013/06/01-2013/10/01

[47] 自动钻削立式平衡机工业设计2013/02/01-2013/05/01

[48] 4K播放机工业设计2012/11/01-2012/12/01

[49] Users’ Experience and Design Value Research on Paper Use2012/10/01-2013/10/01

[50] 创意都市背景下设计端和消费者端对文化商品的认知研究2012/07/01-2015/12/01

[51] 眼动仪平面广告创意测试2011/03/01-2011/03/01

[52] 携程旅游网站全站风格用户眼动实验2010/01/01-2010/03/01

[53] 马自达消费者审美特征比较研究2009/08/01-2009/12/01

[54] 惠普打印机概念设计2008/09/01-2009/01/01

[55] 惠普打印机可用性评估2008/07/01-2008/09/01

[56] 现代中国消费者设计价值观及其发展趋势研究2008/06/01-2008/12/01

[57] 轿车外形、内饰设计趋势研究2008/05/01-2008/09/01

[58] 创意都市综合评估体系研究2008/03/01-2011/12/01

[59] 双龙爱腾、享御汽车消费者研究2007/12/01-2008/12/01

[60] 现代中国消费者设计价值观研究2007/08/01-2007/12/01

[61] 旅行用iPod音箱的产品解决方案2006/03/01-2006/08/01

[62] GE塑料的奥运主题研究2006/01/01-2006/06/01

[63] NISSAN Line-up for China Market in 20102005/09/01-2005/12/01

[64] “INTEL CUP”21 CENTRURY PC DESIGN CONTEST Sponsored by Intel Semiconductor (US)Ltd2005/04/01-2005/10/01

[65] 上海中等及中等收入以上家庭厨房与卫生间新型家用电器设计研究2005/04/01-2005/10/01

[66] 上海机床二厂JH21—150开式固定台压力机设计2003/09/01-2003/12/01


[1]期刊论文,Understanding visually impaired people's experiences of social signal perception in face-to-face com,Universal Access in the Information Society,2020/11/01
[2]会议论文,Research on application model of unconsciousness in user interface,Advances In Intelligent Systems And Computing,2018/12/07
[3]会议论文,SHAUN—A Companion Robot for Children Based on Artificial Intelligence,Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),2018/12/07
[4]会议论文,Optimized design of accompanying smart car for the elderly based on humanization design methods,Advances In Intelligent Systems And Computing,2018/12/07
[5]会议论文,Future Personalized Autonomous Shared Car Design Based on User Experience,Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),2018/12/07
[6]会议论文,User experience research on the human-computer interaction system of connected car,Advances In Intelligent Systems And Computing,2018/12/07
[7]会议论文,Effect of Gamification of Exercise Therapy on Elderly’s Anxiety Emotion,Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),2018/12/07
[8]会议论文,Combining Virtual Reality (VR) Technology with Physical Models – A New Way for Human-Vehicle Intera,Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),2018/12/07
[9]会议论文,Gamification-Based VR Rowing Simulation System,Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),2018/12/07
[10]会议论文,Contrast Research on Cognitive Differences Between Design End and Consumption End in Cultural Produc,Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),2018/12/07
[11]会议论文,Gamification of In-Flight Entertainment (IFE) to Motivate People to Relax: A Case Design,Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),2018/12/07
[13]期刊论文,Impact of basic public service level on pro-environmental behavior in China,International Sociology,2018/11/01
[14]会议论文,Factor Model for Passenger Experience in the Aircraft Cabin Design,DUXU 2018: Design, User Experience, and Usability: Users, Contexts and Case Studies,2018/06/01
[15]会议论文,Mapping System between Passenger Experience and the Factors of Aircraft Cabin Design,International Conference on Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. DHM 2018,2018/05/01
[17]会议论文,An Ontology-Based Product Affective Properties Identification Approach,Transdisciplinary Engineering: A Paradigm Shift - Proceedings of the 24th ISPE Inc. International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering,,2017/07/01
[18]会议论文,Usability Investigation on the Localization of Text CAPTCHAs: Take Chinese Characters as a Case Stud,Transdisciplinary Engineering: A Paradigm Shift: Proceedings of the 24th ISPE Inc. International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering,2017/07/01
[20]会议论文,Gamification Design Based Research on Fitness Mobile Application for University Students,DUXU 2016: Design, User Experience, and Usability: Novel User Experiences ,2016/07/01
[21]会议论文,Usability Comparison of Text CAPTCHAs Based on English and Chinese,8th International Conference, CCD 2016, Held as Part of HCI International 2016,2016/07/01
[22]会议论文,Integrated Model for Workload Assessment Based on Multiple Physiological Parameters Measurement,13th International Conference, EPCE 2016,2016/07/01
[23]会议论文,Gamification design based research on Speech Training System for hearing-impaired children,12th International Conference, EPCE 2015,2015/08/01
[24]会议论文,User Experience Research on the Rehabilitation System of Speech-impaired Children - A Case Study on ,4th International Conference, DUXU 2015,2015/08/01
[25]会议论文,Comparison Research between ICT-based Design and Traditional Design for Hearing Impaired Children - ,9th International Conference, UAHCI 2015,2015/08/01
[26]会议论文,Design Knowledge Framework Based on Parametric Representation-A Case Study of Cockpit Form Style Des,16th International Conference, HCI International 2014,2014/06/01
[27]会议论文,Cross-Platform Product Usability and Large Screen User Experience : a Teleconference System U&E Re,Third International Conference, DUXU 2014,2014/06/01
[30]会议论文,Product Style Information Deep Polymerization and Visualization,2011 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer-aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design,2011/12/01,韩挺
[36]会议论文,桶装水发展趋势与市场细分分析,Proceeding of the 2005 International Conference on Industrial Design.,2005/09/01,韩挺
[37]会议论文,Cognitive Differences of Product Form between Designers and Users,The 6th International Conferences on Computer-Aided Industrial Design & Conceptual Design,2005/05/01,韩挺


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